World Homeopathy Awareness Week

The Homeopathic League of Rio Grande do Sul (LHRS), a historic entity of homeopathy in Rio Grande do Sul, turns 76 years old on April 17th. In celebration of your birthday, we are participating in World Homeopathy Awareness Week. This week is promoted by the World Homeopathy Awareness Organization (WHAO – Worldwide, homeopathy is celebrated on April 10, the birth date of Samuel Hahnemannn, its creator. LHRS represents Brazil this week, whose theme this year is “Homeopathy and aging”.

Homeopathy works at all stages of people’s lives. It can help the elderly in their daily lives, at a time when their physical and mental strengths (and their functions) are weakened, providing well-being and a better quality of life. It acts preventively or curatively, as a sole therapy or as an aid to conventional treatments. Search for a cure, although it is not always possible, as many diseases are chronic and degenerative. But you can contribute through your individualized and comprehensive approach.

It is often said that homeopathic therapy works slowly, requires frequent use of medications and other strict dietary rules. This is not true! There are cases where only one dose is sufficient and the medication often takes immediate action. Medications in general are handled and administered individually, used in forms that are easy to ingest, such as drops and globules.

Homeopathy is scientifically proven and recognized as a specialty in Brazil, in the areas of medicine, veterinary, pharmacy and dentistry, through its Federal Councils. Only a specialized professional is able to cover the entire technique through their respective health professions.

The best way to get to know homeopathy is to try it, in fact experimentation is one of its basic pillars. Try it and draw your own conclusions.